Monday, October 7, 2019

statement of intent

In my music video, I plan to incorporate different media languages to create a pop theme video which will clearly illustrate a girl’s desire of another boy. The infectious song will allow me to use upbeat, happy videos to show the emotions the artist is feeling when she is around the boy. My aim is to present what many girls experience and feel within a relationship or ‘complicated’ situation in the teenage years and early adult-hood. Effectively, this will be shown through a narrative/performance video. It will appeal to a culturally sophisticated, 16-25-year-old ABC1 demographic audience. I will explore creative ideas, integrating colourful imagery and a copious amount of camera shots and different angles to keep the audience interested throughout. The colour scheme will be pinks and light coloured shades which are stereotypically associated with girls and ‘their favourite colour’ to clearly show who the target audience is and what their personality is like (a ‘typical girl’). My artist’s website will link the colour themes and images to show they tie together. Dressed in causal but stylish outfits will represent a fun vibe, playful and the idea that the characters are young and are free to express themselves and their feelings.
The idea is that although the main character feels nervous and resentful against speaking about how she feels, the video will show how the feelings become stronger and how it affects her day-to-day. As a result, the audience will feel emotionally connected to the character, feeling empathy and sympathy. For instance, I will film a scene in her bedroom to show the constant thoughts she is having. Your bedroom can associate with feeling safe and surrounded by everything you know, suggesting it is your space to think and reflect in a quiet space. Mise en scene will allow me to follow the criterial and ensure that I have included everything in my music video.
I will also include the use of social media and the common purposes to illustrate the target audience and their interests.

For my website, I will make the colour scheme and theme constant throughout both products. There will be at least 6 different website links to inform and engage the chosen demographic into listening and buying the merchandise based around the artist. Colours will be bright and vibrant to portray the characteristics of the artist. The background will be an image of the artist to make the product original and not based on other backgrounds that websites use. Displayed on the website will be clear links to the social media pages. There will be a range of social media platforms to attract different audiences – depending on their preference. The different website links will be: Home, about, tour dates, music and videos, merchandise, pictures etc. I am to make my website entertaining and appealing as well as individual against the other artists and bands in the industry. I want the website to have a modernised look and be able to use, hence why I am going to choose a simple layout and not one that makes it difficult to find things.

Audio Visual